Monday 19 October 2009

A stunning comeback

My pregnancy sickness decided to make a sudden re-appearance today. After throwing up for 10 minutes and completely emptying my stomach I smelled vomit afterwards and figured I must have splashed myself so I had to leave early to come home and shower and change. I'm lucky my bosses are supportive. I guess I spoke too soon about forgetting how miserable early pregnancy was, and I needed to be reminded! I've had a couple of restless nights and I suspect that doesn't help. Maybe along with another hormone surge and the fact that my stomach is being squashed and crushed by my growing uterus? Anybody else had this happen to them? I'm 32 weeks now.

I'm also getting some abdominal pain but a quick google tells me that's pretty normal at this stage and is the ligaments being stretched a lot more again. Man, I can't wait to stop work and put my feet up!