Sunday 11 October 2009

Doctors with fine tooth combs

I have been attending the Special Obs clinic at my hospital since I started antenatal care, and it seems there's nothing much wrong with me or my pregnancy but they just won't leave me alone! It's great, despite having to attend more appointments to be prodded a lot, I love that they are so thorough and I am grateful for it. It has certainly made me think about people's perceptions of NHS care.

I was originally referred because I am hypermobile and they wanted to check that I didn't have the one form of hypermobility, EDS (Ehlers Danlos Syndrome) that can be a problem with pregnancy because it affects the heart. I was sent off to get an ECG and got the all clear from that. After that they wanted to investigate a small trace of protein in my urine, and I got the all clear from that. At that point the consultant felt that perhaps they should just let me get on with my pregnancy since they couldn't find anything to be concerned about with me or with the baby at my 22 week scan, but then they wanted to give me a GTT (Glucose Tolerance Test) because I have a strong family history of diabetes and my BMI is higher than it should be. That came back all clear too and I have been given the all clear to deliver in the birthing centre if that is my choice, but the doctor offered me a growth scan at 34 weeks just to check all is still on track and after that one last follow up appointment he promises they will finally leave me alone if all is still well then. I feel like I'm spending my life in that hospital waiting room, but I shouldn't complain.