Sunday 11 October 2009

Anomoly scan

At 22 weeks I had my anomoly scan to check Baby's progress. Following the great experience we had at the 12 week scan, this one was kind of anti-climactic. The sonographer we had this time wasn't as nice nor as patient and I felt like we rushed through it. She was all business which I guess was fine, as long as she did the checks she was supposed to do I guess that's all we could ask for. I didn't get to see as much because of the position I was lying in. Every time I tried to raise my head to see better she told me to lie back down because it was making my abdominal muscles tense and interfering with the image. We didn't get very good images, and I wasn't sure if that was because I have too much belly fat or if it was because Baby wasn't cooperating. When he first appeared on screen he was sucking his thumb and he seemed to just want to be left alone to sleep after that!

All seemed well and good, and we found out we're having a boy! :)