Sunday 11 October 2009

Baby consumerism

Is it wrong that one of the reasons I am excited about having a baby is the shopping opportunities? It is by no means the only or even one of the top reasons, but it is definitely present on the list if I had to make a list. As soon as I found out we were having a boy I hit the sales and bought up a load of gorgeous baby blue outfits. Hubby thought it was cute at first but has looked increasingly worried ever since!

For our main baby purchases and certainly all the necessary and functional items (as opposed to the pure fun items like clothes, books and toys!) we are using John Lewis' nursery list consultation service, on recommendation from friends. It really is a great service. I was as excited as a kid in a toy store. Hubby looked slightly overwhelmed at one point, mumbling, "babies need so much stuff..." but in general he was on board and gave good input. He didn't even pass out when we added up the startup costs for a first baby! I love that man!!