Sunday 11 October 2009

Meeting the black and white blob

We had our first ultrasound scan at 12 weeks. I don't know about the rest of you who have had this experience but for me this was a huge milestone, the point where it all started to really feel real. It was like, I'm PREGNANT!!! Up until then I knew it, and yeah, I kinda had proof and I had a whole host of symptoms to remind me, but this was real, this was PROOF.

And if it felt that way to me, it was even more so for Hubby. I absolutely recommend every partner attends that first scan, it is essential. The moment the picture of that little blob appeared was unforgettable. The sonographer said, "There's your baby!" and Hubby gasped. I will never forget his face at that moment, I could see it all sinking in and see how happy and proud he was. At that point Baby was only a tiny little bean but it was amazing how much we could see - little arms and legs, spine, brain, little beating heart, etc. Everything looked good and we had all the tests for abnormalities which came back clear so we went away feeling happy, excited and having just had a bonding experience that probably won't be beaten until Baby actually arrives. We also looked forward to announcing our news to our families and friends.