Friday 4 December 2009


So, as mentioned earlier, I tested positive for Group B Strep. I talked to the midwife about it at my 38 week appointment yesterday and it looks like I will be receiving IV antibiotics during labour. This is apparently standard procedure and pretty straightforward but it worries me that my baby will be getting antibiotics on entering the world. I don't know what to make of it. The midwife said it's a case of weighing up the benefits of it, and if I don't get the drugs and the baby does become sick as a result of GBS it could be pretty serious so it's worth it. I do see that. I'm just bummed.

On a more positive note, it looks like he is 4/5 engaged so he doesn't have much further to drop before he is fully in position. I'm also getting some cramps and a lot more frequent and regular Braxton Hicks so it looks as if we're heading in the right direction. Sleep and comfort are officially a thing of the past now so I'll be really ready for him to make an appearance by end of next week if not before. Not that I'm naive enough to think sleep and comfort will return after having a baby!!