Tuesday 15 December 2009

Fully cooked

Today is my due date. My bun is officially cooked! No sign of him making an appearance yet though, so I guess he still needs a little browning off. Hope it won't be too long though, I'm getting impatient now. I didn't really expect to make it to this day.

I've been getting some early nigglings...I think. It's weird because I'm really not sure what to watch out for, having never done this before. I had a midwife appointment yesterday and she seemed to think it was all heading in the right direction. I've been getting some cramps and tightenings and I'm never sure if that's early contractions. Somehow I didn't expect them to be quite so low down. They're getting more frequent but not regular enough yet. She said that's what I will be looking out for but they need to get regular and (sorry) more painful. I've also had a bit of backache here and there which I know is part of the package. So let's hope it's not too much longer. I could do with no longer being pregnant by the end of this week!

Off to bounce on my birthing ball. Then some walking. Maybe a curry and some bedroom shenanigans later. Anything to help nudge him towards the exit!!